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Create your social media compliant (ad ready) event web page, link to your own web site and share on any social media platform (facebook.) Allow your prospective athletes to registrater online.
Online registration and fast pass check-in. Easily check in and complete your pre-tryout questionnaire. Capture critical information with real time access for rankers, evaluators and assigners.
Designed to handle a large amount of athletes in a short period of time. Our system generates your players profile sheets and jersey numbers.
Rankers are able to evaluate and rank players IN REAL TIME, passing critical information up to evaluators and assigners easily.
Evaluators are able to observe touches and post evaluations IN REAL TIME, passing critical information to rankers and assigners easily.
Assigners are able to view ranking and evaluation data IN REAL TIME and assign prospects to teams, passing decisions back to rankers and assigners easily.
Generate your letters of offer, allow players to accept their positions make their initial deposits. The system can also record jersey sizing and track addtional clothing orders through our online store.
Once a player has accepted their offer they have access to club documents and other team information such as tournament lists and video archives. Players are able to complete their player profiles.